The tortoise who won the race
The story of hare and tortoise is famous and known to all. The tortoise wins the race despite being slow because he has followed the principle ‘start in time, keep walking and reach the right destination’. Everyone cannot practice this message in real life, but Dada Gujar of ‘C’lai’ has achieved this. The journey that he started with 5 Rupees has now reached 150 Crores. This journey was, of course, not comfortable. There were many hurdles and problems. This story tells us how Dada Gujar overcame all obstacles.
The tagline of the world-famous book ‘Good to Great’ by Jim Collins “Why some companies make the leap and others don’t” caught my attention. This means all good companies do not become big, because the owners of many good companies get enamoured by the limited initial success and become complacent. They become like the hare in the story of hare and tortoise, their progress stops. Some businessmen continue their journey to grow ‘great’. They become successful businessmen. These businessmen are like the tortoise with the principle ‘slow and steady wins the race’, and their companies make a progression from ‘good’ to ‘great’.