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Expand Your Business Opportunities This Festive Season 

Expand Your Business Opportunities This Festive Season 

The festival season in India is a much anticipated time. It commences with Ganesh Chaturthi around August-September, followed by Navratri, Durga Pooja and ends with Diwali, the most awaited festival throughout the country. This festive season is looked forward to with enthusiasm by small business owners too. This is because consumers consider the festive season to be an auspicious time to make purchases. Also, with the start of the festive season, people require festive clothing, jewellery, decorations, sweets and eatables and several other things and this rising demand for goods equates to rising business opportunities for business owners, especially for small businesses. 

Businesses In Demand During Festive Season

The festive season provides several business opportunities to a number of businesses, some of which are-

  • Decor And Events Business

Festive time means everybody is having a celebration and planning a get-together. Irrespective of the scale or size of the gathering, planning for the festivities is a must. And it involves getting the house or the venue ready for the celebrations. Right from getting the pandal ready for Ganesh Chaturthi,  Durga Puja and Navratri to decorating the house for Diwali, decor and event businesses are much needed. Decor businesses also need to cater to needs like diyas, lamps, lanterns, garlands, rangolis, etc.

  • Food Business

Festivals and celebrations are incomplete without food and therefore food businesses are in demand during the festive season. Catering service providers, confectioners, home chefs, and sweet shops look forward to these festivals because these businesses enjoy several business opportunities during the festive season. 

  • Clothing Business 

Festivals and new clothes go hand in hand, therefore the festive season means boom time and greater business opportunities for garment and clothing businesses. This includes readymade garment suppliers, retailers, manufacturers, tailoring services, as well as designers for men, women and children.

  • Jewellery Business 

Celebrations get an added charm when you dress up ornately, especially in the finest jewellery.  The jewellery business enjoys increased sales and greater business opportunities during the season of festivals.

The other businesses that benefit from the festive season include-

  • Gift articles and gifting solutions business
  • Lighting equipment and services business 
  • Religious puja products and services 
  • Automobile retailers (as the festive season is considered auspicious to purchase vehicles)

However, the reach of small businesses,  even during the festive season is limited and only within their geographical perimeter. But what if they can reach out to a wider audience with a few simple steps, one of them being absolutely free of cost method.

Ways To Expand Business Opportunities In The Festive Season 

business opportunities

Small business owners can expand their business opportunities by simply enlisting their small business under deAsra’ dePreneurs Listing along with few other methods.

What Is dePreneurs Listing?

DePreneurs Listing is an exciting business opportunity offered by deAsra allowing small business owners access to a wider consumer base across the country by being listed on deAsra’s website free of cost. Along with enjoying access to a wider audience, the business listing also lets small business owners connect with fellow entrepreneurs too.

The dePreneurs listing lets small business owners create a business card on the website with the name, category and detail of the business. This business card is updated timely where businesses receive an SMS update when a business query is made. While updating the business card, business owners can add details of the business,  the products and services offered, the target audience and existing clientele. 

The business card, however, does not include the option of live selling via an online platform or making frequent updates to the business card.

Advantages Of dePreneur Listing 

The advantages of dePreneur listing are as follows- 

  • Entrepreneurs can explore greater business opportunities by expanding their network owing to the dePreneur listing.
  • dePreneur listing lets businesses receive enquiries from their target market.
  • DePreneurs listing allows businesses to enjoy greater visibility to platform visitors, who could be potential buyers, as well as to fellow dePreneurs.
  • The dePreneurs listing enables businesses to receive greater business queries and networking requests. 
  • DePreneurs listing lets entrepreneurs add details about their second business too on the same business card (provided the email address for both the businesses is the same).

Along with enjoying the business opportunities offered by enlisting the business under dePreneurs listing, there are some other ways too by which businesses can expand their reach. These include-

  • Be Present Digitally

One of the best ways for small businesses to take advantage of the festive season is to have an online or digital presence. This could either be via a website or a presence on any of the social networking sites such as Instagram or Facebook. Alternatively, entrepreneurs can explore business opportunities on e-commerce sites or via online marketplaces such as Facebook Shop or WhatsApp Business. Small business owners can learn all the details of how to sell products online to use the digital channels optimally. 

In addition to these, having a mobile-friendly presence is a must for businesses to cash in on the significant business opportunities present there. Entrepreneurs must try to make their business accessible or available via mobile phones too to reach a large number of consumers on mobile networks.

Further, the pandemic has led to a higher number of consumers opting for online shopping as it is safe and convenient. Small business owners can always avail social media marketing services offered by deAsra to create an online presence effortlessly.

business opportunities

  • Advertise Aggressively 

Another way for small businesses to cash in on the surge in buyers during the festive season is to market the business aggressively. This can be done via print ads such as brochures, pamphlets, and advertisements in newspapers and magazines. Businesses can also advertise via banners and billboards to take advantage of the festive season boom. Digital advertising through ads on Google and via social networking platforms can also help small businesses spread the word about their services aggressively in the festive season.

  • Offer Schemes And Discounts 

Entrepreneurs can also increase their business opportunities in the festive season by offering attractive schemes and discounts. This could either be in the form of ‘pay over time’ schemes or ‘buy one get one free’ schemes. Business owners can also offer free shipping or attractive discounts to cash in on the demand during the festive season. Marketing tricks like flash sales, expiring discounts, and pop-up offers create a sense of urgency in shoppers, inducing them to buy and leading to increased sales for business owners. 

These are some ways in which small business owners can tap in on the business opportunities that the festive seasons provide. Business owners can always seek the guidance of experts at deAsra for further information and assistance with dePreneur listing and other ways to explore business opportunities during the festive season. 

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