Small Businessman Converting A Problem Into An Opportunity
Pune is known as the knowledge hub, IT city, the smart city of India and the world. The uncleanliness, unrespectable behaviour, sewage problem, gutter, people spitting on streets and heaps of waste – such problems are increasing in the city. The Government and the people think that smart city and these problems do not have any connection.
Most of the people in Pune think that this problem does not concern them, and it is not their responsibility to solve this problem. People staying in this knowledge hub can be found saying: ‘The administration and the Government should do this; the people are paying tax for this purpose.’ The Government and administration also think in the same way. Their main work is to collect all waste and dump it in the ‘dumping grounds’ in the nearby places. If these places complain a lot about the waste dumped there, then electricity generation and manure production schemes are announced. Crores of rupees budget get announced for these schemes. Due to lack of will-power, the schemes are not implemented, and the waste still remains in heaps on dumping grounds. We can see such heaps in many places of Pune.